Tuesday, November 4

Halloween 08

For the first time, I got into the halloween spirit and carved a pumpkin! I was super excited about it. It's always been something I've wanted to do. So Dom and I headed out to the pumpkin patch and picked the perfect pumpkin to be our experiment. :) Days passed by before we even got to the pumpkin, but that was okay with me. The more days that passed by the more excited and the more eager I was to carved my pumpkin.
Sadly, I used a stencil to carve my pumpkin instead of doing it freehand like my brother suggested, but I was afraid that my pumpkin wouldnt turn out as cool if I had done it freehand. It took me awhile to choose what stencil I wanted to use. In the end I chose to do a group of ghosts and Dom chose to do a face that kind of looked like Chucky. Creepy. I wish I had gotten a picture of what our pumpkin looked like on the night we carved it however we got done carving it so late I just wanted to go to sleep. Anyways here's pictures of what our pumpkins looked like 3 days later all moldy :(


Dom's Pumpkin

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