Tuesday, July 29


I'm sure I've mentioned to a lot of you atleast once about my crazy
neighbor. She has one cat but feeds the entire neighbor hood so
whenever we come home late there's always atleast 3 cats on our stairs
that dart down those steps once you start walking up those steps.

That's only one of our worries concerning her. She used to have a
crazy boyfriend who was 10 years younger than her. He was very abusive
to her and I've had to call the cops on him twice because of her
screaming help. Not fun. That was until he got jumped over winter
break last year and then never really came back.

But despite all the weird things about her life she is also a very
nice lady. She loves to leave us gifts when she cleans out her
apartment. She's left us crackers before. And the day after her boy
was jumped we found beers outside our front door. Tonight I got light
bulbs. How very nice of her. I'll have to thank her tomorrow.

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