Saturday, July 26


The night started out at the frat house with his bros. He shotgunned some beers. Took some shots. Basically waited until Midnight to roll around!
Singing their frat song to Stephen.

Stephen & I.

At midnight we proceeded to go to Effins, which is the local dive bar around my school. It's San Diego State tradition to go here at the stroke of midnight when you turn 21. Then your friends just buy you drinks and get you hammered.  I chose to bless Stephen with the shot and killed me on my birthday. I could've went worse but I decided to be nice. Haaha

I got him the 3 Wise Men. This is him saying screw you Lindsey. He had been trying to avoid my shot all night long. 

That's basically his reaction to my shot. It consists of Jack Daniels, Jim Bean, and Jose Cuervo. It goes down pretty smoothly, however it kicks you in the end and the taste stays in your mouth forever. Yumm. That was my treat to him. 
Update later with picture from Universal in Hillcrest for a fundraiser.

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